Astrology & Horoscope

Bhavishya Malika Puran and What 2024 Predicts | A Simple Review

Bhavishya Malika Puran 2024 Review

What Is Bhavishya Malika 2024?

Bhavishya Malika 2024 is Hindi language book that combines astrology and predictions about the future. It’s written by written Pandit Shri Kashinath Mishra in a way that people can understand what might happen in various aspects of life, like health, career, and relationships.

The book uses stars and planets to make these predictions. It’s meant to help people prepare for the future by giving insights based on astrological charts and calculations for the year 2024.

A long time ago, in the 1500s, a wise saint named Shri Achyutananda Dasa wrote a book in Odia, a language from India. He was one of five close friends, known as the Panchasakhas.

Bhavishya Malika Puran 2024

The other friends were Sri Ananta Dasa, Sri Jasobanta Dasa, Sri Jagannatha Dasa, and Sri Balarama Dasa. They wrote their predictions on palm leaves. This book explains what Achyutananda Dasa and his friends said, but in an easy-to-understand way.

About Bhavishya Malika 2024

The Bhavishya Malika Puran is an old book that talks about the future of the world. It says that by 2032, all different religions and beliefs will come together into one called Satya Sanatan Dharma, which will create a better world for everyone.

But before this happens, the book warns us about a big disaster and gives hope for a better future.

The book is divided into three parts:

  1. Kaliyug ka Ant (End of Kaliyuga) – Talks about the end of the current age of chaos and conflict.
  2. Mahavinash (Great Destruction) – Describes a time of major destruction.
  3. Aadya Satya Yug Ka Aagman (The Coming of the New Age) – Discusses the arrival of a new, peaceful age.

The book predicts that 13 Islamic countries and China will attack India, and this will start a third World War when the planet Saturn moves into the Pisces constellation. This war will last for 6 years and 6 months.

Bhavishya Malika 2024 predictions also say there will be an unusual event where it looks like there are two suns in the sky, one is the real sun, and the other could be a comet or a meteorite. This comet will fall into the Bay of Bengal, causing a huge tsunami that will flood parts of Odisha.

Due to these disasters, the world will be in darkness for seven days. According to the book, this will all happen between 2022 and 2029, with the World War starting when Saturn enters Pisces and lasting for 6 years and 6 months.

Saint Achyutananda and the Bhavishya Malika

Saint Achyutananda was a wise sage who could see the past, present, and future. He wrote many predictions on palm leaves, which are now in a collection called the Bhavishya Malika. Most of these predictions were made by him using his special meditation powers.

Bhavishya Malika 2024 Predictions

The Bhavishya Malika Purana is a sacred book that talks about a time when the god Mahavishnu comes to Earth. This Purana describes his birth, his actions, and how he will help people live righteously. It also explains how people can stay safe and good during tough times, especially at the end of the Kali Yuga, the current age.

This book on offers a series of predictions about the future

Bhavishya Malika 2024 Predictions In English are below –

  1. Farmers will stop working: Farmers will no longer be able to farm.
  2. Earth’s axis will shift: The Earth’s tilt will change, causing many earthquakes.
  3. Two suns in the sky: It will look like there are two suns. A big object will fall into the Bay of Bengal, causing Odisha to sink underwater.
  4. Sea level rise: The sea will rise and reach up to the 22nd step of the Jagannath temple. Devotees will move the temple idol to a different place.
  5. Seven days of darkness: There will be seven days of complete darkness due to natural disasters. This might happen between 2022 and 2029.
  6. Third World War: The Third World War will start when the planet Saturn moves into the zodiac sign Aquarius.
  7. Long World War: The Third World War will last for 6 years and 6 months. China will team up with 13 Islamic countries to attack India. India will fight back and win, becoming a global leader.
  8. Last Hindu king: The final king of India will be a strong Hindu ruler with no children, who will guide the world with wisdom and promote peace.
  9. King of Odisha and Lord Kalki: The last king of Odisha will be the Gajapati. Lord Kalki will arrive and help India in the war.
  10. Major changes in countries: Much of America will be underwater. China will break apart. Pakistan will disappear. Russia will become a Hindu nation. Europe will have a small population and won’t fight wars.
  11. Destruction of Europe: Most of Europe will be destroyed. Russia will be successful, but a new leader will come to challenge it.
  12. Population drop: Many people will die, reducing the global population to 640 million. China will be destroyed.
  13. Post-2025 disasters: After 2025, there will be many disasters. Only people who follow truth and religion will survive.
  14. Challenges for India: When Saturn moves into Pisces in 2024, India will face difficulties.
  15. Saint ruler: When Saturn enters Pisces, it will stay there for 2.5 years. A saint who is not married will rule the country.
  16. Highway and temple collapse: A highway will be built to Jagannathpuri. Stones will fall from the Jagannath temple, causing the temple door to collapse, and the temple will sink into the ocean.
  17. Disrespect and false leaders: Elders and teachers will be disrespected, and fake religious leaders will mislead people.
  18. Decline in faith: Fewer people will believe in religion. Unusual relationships between people of the same gender will become common.
  19. Attacks from animals: Animals will start attacking human homes. A figure named Bhimdutt will appear among both humans and animals.
  20. Nature’s chaos: Nature will cause many problems, including strange diseases and high inflation, leading to protests.
  21. End of Kalyug: At the end of the current age (Kalyug), the sun will become harmful. Lord Jagannath will travel the world with a twelve-handed sword, ending the era. Kalki, who will be named Chakramani or Chakradhar, will be the final guardian.
  22. Reawakening of Mahabharata: The unresolved wishes of warriors from the Mahabharata war will come true with the arrival of the Kalki Avatar. Lord Balram, who didn’t fight in the Mahabharata, will return at the end of Kalyug.
  23. A thousand years of peace: After these events, there will be 1,000 years of peace and calm.

International Impact of Bhavishya Malika 2024

Bhavishya Malika 2024

According to Bhavishya Malika, the future Third World War will mostly be a nuclear war, leading to huge damage. It will start with regular weapons but quickly escalate to nuclear weapons, causing widespread destruction.

In this war:

  • India will be on one side, with support from Russia, Germany, Japan, and France.
  • China, Pakistan, America, 13 Muslim countries, African countries, Europe, and England’s allies will be on the opposing side.

The war will have a terrible impact, especially on Europe and America. It will cause severe climate changes, pollute the air with poisonous gases, and result in many deaths. The destruction will be so massive that it’s hard to describe.

By 2030, Bhavishya Malika predicts that all religions and beliefs will merge into Satya Sanatan Dharma.

Positive Vs Negative Claims – Bhavishya Malika 2024 Predictions


  1. Technology Progress: New inventions are making big improvements in medicine and space travel.
  2. Spiritual Growth: More people are finding inner peace and focusing on mindfulness.
  3. Better Human Connection: People are reaching their full potential and connecting more with nature.


  1. Natural Disasters: There are more floods, earthquakes, and severe weather events.
  2. Social Issues: There are problems like protests and political conflicts.
  3. Economic Problems: There are challenges with money and the economy.

Mythological Aspect:

  • End of Kali Yuga: In Hindu belief, Kali Yuga is a tough time, but it’s ending. A new time of peace and prosperity is expected to start after this.

Important facts to understand


Bhavishya Malika’s Authenticity: Some people are not sure if the Bhavishya Malika is genuine. We don’t really know where it came from or who wrote it, and some experts think it might be a more recent creation.

Different Interpretations: The things written in the Bhavishya Malika can be understood in different ways. So, people might read the same text and come up with different predictions.

Accuracy of Predictions: There’s no scientific proof that the predictions in the Bhavishya Malika are correct. It’s impossible to predict the future with complete certainty.

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