
How Digital Transformation Improves Employee Productivity

Investment in digital transformation is on an upward trend. The International Data Corporation (IDC) predicted that, by the end of 2020, 60% of all enterprises will have implemented fully articulated digital platform strategies and overall technology spending would top $2 trillion by 2021. Document scanning services are an important initial step towards digitization. Digital transformation process can improve operational efficiencies and boost employee productivity in the work-from-home scenario.

Even before the outbreak of COVID 19 pandemic, many businesses have remote working arrangements that allows employees to work from various physical locations via the internet. The pressure to implement flexible working hours had led to digital transformation in many organizations. The pandemic accelerated the need for digital transformation in organizations to enable all their employees to work from home.

While it is a challenging task, the transition to a digital workplace can streamline workflow and improve productivity, and empower and improve the experience of remote workers. Here are five ways how digital transformation empowers remote employees:

  • Digital transformation promotes focus on value added activities: Companies adopt digital transformation to increase efficiencies and empower employees to perform meaningful and challenging activities. Embracing digital transformation allows businesses to eliminate laborious and repetitive tasks and allows employees to devote their to value added activities.
  • Optimizes workspace: Today, with advanced technology the working space is becoming more digital, especially after the pandemic. Digital transformation in offices provide a unified and consistent experience for everyone to access systems, data, services and applications from anywhere. This enhances the employee experience and their work life, and improves efficiency. A well-optimized digital workspace is a boon for businesses, as digitally empowered employees have greater potential to serve customers better.
  • Supports the community: As the pandemic broke, many companies’ services were disrupted due to unavailability of staff. But with digital transformation tools like AI, RPA, repetitive tasks could be automated which minimized the need for staff handling these activities. With advanced AI technologies, businesses can use virtual agents to automate IT helpdesk and resolve issues, and thereby support employees.
  • Improves profitability: Increasing revenue is every business’s main objective and with digital transformation and advanced technologies, they can achieve this goal easily. Emerging technologies like artificial intelligence automates many business activities, allowing even error-prone tasks to be completed in less time. It also lowers operating cost and provides quick ROI. So, with digital transformation businesses can ensure efficient processes, streamline systems, minimize cost and increase revenue.
  • Supports quick decision making: Digital transformation allows the use advanced analytics that gives the organizations the ability to perform advanced statistical models and streamline various aspects of their operations. These solutions improve profitability, compliance, competitiveness, and shape business decisions. With descriptive analysis, business can identify the patterns and trends and with predictive analysis, businesses can get key insights into what is going to happen. With advanced analytics, businesses can optimize marketing campaigns to determine possible customer responses, identify cross-selling possibilities and so on. All these multiple analytics also helps detect fraud activities in the business. With all these insights from different analytics, businesses can make the best decisions to propel the growth.

Digital transformation is no longer a choice but a necessity for businesses to survive in these uncertain times. Automation of all business processes helps employees to work efficiently and enhances their productivity. Associating with a reliable document scanning service can make the move towards a digital workspace easier and smoother.

MOS (Managed Outsourced Solutions) is a leading business process outsourcing provider that supports small to large companies across the US with document conversion, document scanning, data processing, and data entry services.

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