Digital Marketing

How to Advertise an Online and Street Travel Agency

How to advertise an online and street travel agency

In the era of “everything within everyone’s reach”, especially in the travel sector, the presence of large portals such as Booking and others, increasingly frightens those who have an online and street travel agency.

This is because the first thought is that of not having enough budgets to invest in Advertising for tour operators or specifically in Facebook ADS for travel agencies for example, as the large portals or large agencies perhaps in the same city.

In more than ten years of experience (and positive results) with the application of the MAV method we have understood that the main problem of “how to sell travel” is not how much budget travel agencies have to promote themselves, but how to invest this budget maximizing the results and consequently who to contact to do it.

We build ad hoc the digital strategy suitable for you and we have the sole objective of the growth of your travel agency in terms of customers and turnover.

Whether you have a travel agency online or on the road or in both “places”, the basis from which to start is a digital strategy for travel agencies (online but also offline) and we at Web Digital Media Group are specialized in this .

How to promote your agency online ? In addition to Google ADS , social media and in particular Facebook are a very powerful tool. Often investing in Facebook ADS for travel agencies is associated with a bad investment but simply because the strategy is badly set, underestimating the tool and not understanding instead that it represents the best way to identify and reach the public that corresponds to the specific interests of your packages travel and that must be perfectly integrated with your website.

To promote your agency online, you can therefore take advantage of the enormous potential of advertising, yes, but assisted by someone with some experience, in this case not adventure! With the advertising on Facebook included in the purchase process that we identify with the MAV method, it is possible both to bring the customer to purchase the product and to return it to your site if it has not asked for information or has not yet purchased anything.

If you are also a TO, Advertising for tour operators is essential for advertising your business because you can use it to increase your reputation if you are a new entry in the world of travel, and whenever you propose a new package and you need get it to as many customers as possible, old and new.

Investing in a SEO friendly website – therefore of extreme simplicity of search and navigation for the user and above all of purchase – and in content marketing perhaps associated with the presence of travel influencers is another of the elements that in the Digital Strategy for travel agencies that we build with the MAV method , we offer our customers.

The content that you post both on Facebook and Instagram and in the other social networks on which you are present, as well as any blog articles must always be of value not only for you to increase your reputation but above all for your final traveler. They must make the user discover something more, make him want to book that trip on which you wrote the last article on the blog.

Having a website that is not only aesthetically beautiful but that is really efficient in allowing the user to enter, discover the products and get to the purchase without distractions or hitches and having it perfectly integrated with the marketing strategy both online and offline is a another key element related to how to promote your agency online .

Finally, a resource that should not be underestimated for both an online and road travel agency is the potential traveler. Especially if the customer has already made a purchase, a lot of information can be obtained which will become the database to which we refer with our method.

Reviews, photo albums with their descriptions of the places visited, word of mouth during a presentation event of the next trip, in short, giving voice to the customer is another fundamental element of how to sell trips.

The MAV method is a “scientific” method which is based on a rigid procedure consisting of 7 steps:

  • Analysis of the starting situation
  • Analysis of the process that leads the customer to book a service
  • Competition analysis
  • Creation of the Digital Strategy for travel agencies useful for obtaining economic results
  • Analysis and choice of tools and improvement of the same
  • Control and verification of activities
  • Verification of data

There are infinite possibilities to promote your online and street agency that can arise from the union between web marketing and our MAV method, test us!

I am enthusiastic blogger & SEO expert. I am digitally savvy and love to learn new things about the world of digital technology. I loves challenges come in my way. I also prefer to share useful information such as SEO, Google Algorithm Update, SMM, PPC, WordPress, Web Hosting, Affiliate Marketing etc.

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