
Netflix and Amazon – The Two Revolutionists of the Present Era Movies

Movies! None of us would probably ignore a film, especially if it has some of the most characters we admire. This is one reason why we desperately wait for some movies to release within the box office to book some of the first premiers and be a part of them initially. This trend is common within cinemas and movie theatres that work on a contractual basis. They are provided with a new movie and are associated with the premier on a particular day so that a maximum number of individuals can come and watch. At one point or the other, we all have been a part of such an event, in which one of our favourite movies or cartoon films were to be shown. We made all the efforts to get the right seat and secure one for the first show to express our luck within our friends, family and social surroundings. However, these were all trends of the early times, whereas today, things have changed significantly. Today, we are more into YouTube, Netflix, Amazon and other e-theatres and cinemas similar to shopping online than practically stepping out, saving our time. We all are into convenience, and modern technology has changed our thoughts and perceptions completely.

Online Assignment Writing Service will take you on a journey of different trends. How we switched from traditional cinemas to 3D and 4D theatres and then a new concept of watching films, movies, cartoons, etc., on YouTube emerged extensively. Today, YouTube can be found as an actual application in everyone’s smartphone, and we can use it anywhere and at any time on-the-go.

The Birth of Netflix and its Kick-Start to Amazon as Competition

Since 2012, we all have been regular YouTube users. A majority of us missed our favourite television programmes, and very few had an idea when it was repeat telecasted. Similarly, some of us enjoyed watching exciting videos, which enhanced our knowledge and understanding. At the same time, we all had one or the other YouTubers as our favourites, and we tend to follow them regularly until today. These trends were indeed beneficial and proved successful for the technically-advanced environment. They started shifting all of us to more convenience, and the need for cable services and cinemas and theatres ultimately entered its period of decline.

How many of us know that Netflix exists since 1997? No one, as it was never discussed or received the right limelight until it regained association, relevance and recognition since 2017. Today, Netflix membership has become more recognised than the membership of any other organisations. It has allowed an extreme flow of users. In contrast, most users are typical teenagers who own a smartphone and were enthusiastic about new movies that were to be released at the box office. By the time we read this report, a majority of us will associate ourselves with Netflix users.

Welcoming the New Trends with Positivity?

Seeing this trend grow abruptly, new competitors stepped into the marketing and Amazon Prime is on the list after Netflix. The purpose of this argument is not to comment on their competitiveness but analyse how significantly technology has changed everything. A recent pandemic outbreak, which is still going-on worldwide known as Covid-19, has dramatically enhanced Netflix and Amazon Prime’s demand. Increased restrictions on an individual’s social movement have urged them to opt for something that could keep them entertained. This was when such organisations benefited by putting up sales on their membership plans. We all are attracted to sales promotions, aren’t we? Hence, the trend has driven the global population towards an enhanced perception and has led to everyone’s convenience.

The debate regarding the enhancement of one sector leading to the closure of the other is never-ending. Technology has been developed for the convenience and ease of the users rather than surrounding them with restrictions. We all look forward to progress in life rather than being persistent about where we stand and thinking to continue standing in the future. The same goes with every aspect which has been technically-advanced to ensure that maximum opportunities are obtained. If an individual can develop a similar platform or upload a similar content that deserves and can be ready at comparatively fewer costs, it would be a positive and encouraging element for others to join. It would benefit the young generation in the future and changing their perceptions for the rest of the world with positivity.

Any Recommendations to Propose

Public spending is always essential in boosting a particular industry, whereas governments need to play their role as they can feel right. Rather than imposing restrictions, these technical signs of progress need to be encouraged for the economy’s prosperity at the national level.

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