Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet Marketing
When it comes to internet marketing, it is said to be an emerging concept and gained wide acceptance especially among those looking for the affordable yet the highly effective marketing solutions. It is quite helpful in making your reach among a large number of customers and thus paves the way to make your business highly successful.

It goes without saying that internet is one of the most powerful mediums that can certainly put you on solid footing with those of bigger firms. On the other hand, the firms may get more money mainly to pay for advertising. It is indeed true that online marketing India has some major advantages and disadvantages.
1. Advantages
It enables you to offer 24hours service that can certainly help you in expanding your horizon widely. The price of spreading your message is next to nothing. Moreover, it also helps you in updating your subscribers through mail in less time period. Visitors to your website can definitely gather up to the minute information on every visit.
2. Disadvantage
Internet marketing is indeed not free. You have to spend cost on developing a website and hiring experts who can perform the said job quite efficiently and help you in accomplishing the same successfully.