Digital Marketing

Steps to Start a Blog for Your Ecommerce Website

Ecommerce Website Blog

E-commerce website blogging and Content marketing may not sound the same but are exactly twin to each other. Startups, businesses of all kinds need to have a blogging page to keep their audience active and involved in the long term. Blogging is considered one of the most prominent marketing ways and is taken into severe considerations. Creating content is one of the best and most effective techniques to drive traffic to your website. It helps you direct the organic traffic towards your website and helps you increase the ranking. It helps emerging businesses create a way to generate traffic and solve their biggest problems. Upcoming bloggers always try to put up good content and then explore their ways to monetize traffic. Blogging is an easy process and can be started without many funds, but if someone wants to start it for earning money, they must need an excellent strategy to work on and earn. The below article will provide you with the best steps to start your blog for an E-commerce website. Before that, we need to know why we need blogs?

Why do we need a blog?

A blog is nothing but an amalgam of useful and creative content. It helps you attract people to your website. A niche blog that can satisfy a user’s intent will surely give a boost. Content marketing (Blogging) has the potential to drive thousands of visits to your site and even tens of thousands once you learn proper SEO. Proper SEO and good Blogging will lead to better pathways and determination to work for a good ranking. Traffic can be created by putting backlinks and urls to your page, a direct organic traffic source. Adding good images and attractions to your blog adds the cherry on the cake. Some of the steps that will lead you to good blogging skills for your E-commerce website development page are:

1.Choose the most appropriate content:

The internet is full of content ideas and information. You can read about anything and everything on this portal and choose your content’s right words. The most exciting and significant part of a blog is its content. The information about any topic may or may not be the same but try giving it a different touch to stand out of the queue. Something on the point and appropriate always attracts users, which in turn will improve the reach. Try using different tools that will help you know about what content is currently working in the market. Also, know who your readers are; try building your content according to them. Try giving it sub-points, different styles of voice. Keep an eye on what content is working and whatnot. One should have competitive analysis as part of the strategy and questioning. The key to a successful blog is looking for a loophole and using that to your benefit. The more satisfying the content, the greater the traffic will be.

2. Domain choosing is essential:

Once you are satisfied with your content, try finding and buying the right domain name. A domain name is an excellent source to affect the user somehow. Choose something catchy, memorable, easy to type, and isn’t already taken by another brand. If you are personally writing blogs, consider your name only for the domain name. It won’t affect much. It should be easily understandable. Try choosing the unique one. Choosing a name for your blog can be monotonous, but the right brand name makes it memorable and attractive.

3. Blogging platforms:

The first thing that needs to be done, even before writing the content, is to set up your blog hosting and content management system. All the newcomers should make this a point to work for the best platforms and not get stuck with such things. The most significant situation to choose from is to either get self-hosted or hosted platforms. If one chooses to go for a self-hosted one, they would be open to customization but will have to pay monthly. Such platforms will help you step-by-step to go through the process. WHILE the hosted ones will provide a big platform, some paid some unpaid. Always choose the platform, keeping in mind the future. You want to be able to do everything you need on a single platform. The next thing that comes after the platform is its theme. The design of your site also affects Search engine optimization and its steps. The first impression is the last also works in this concept. People try bouncing on the site they find under-maintained or less colourful.

4. Promote your Content:

One of the most important things to do for Blogging is to promote your content. You followed all the above steps consistently but aren’t getting readers, then does that all matter? One must have concrete strategy and experience to attract users and readers to their website. Don’t neglect your personal networks either—your friends and family make a great early audience. Two types of promotions can be carried out:

  • Free promotion:In this, you can find ways to promote your page without any charges. Some of them are:
  1. Social Media Marketing: Through this, you can promote your brand on social media pages and accounts. Focus on the channels where your audience spends the most time. Facebook is one of the right sources to promote one’s blog.
  2. Email Marketing: Try getting lots of email subscribers to keep involving them in other posts and blogs. Even if you choose to switch platforms down the road or decide to start something exciting, your email list remains with you. One needs to keep engaging the audience through this medium.
  3. Comment Section: One must keep answering his/her visitors in the comment section and try involving them in a good chat. It is still a legitimate way to drive traffic and build links! Use your original credentials to drive in this boat; this will make it more appealing.
  • Paid Marketing: In this, you pay monthly to platforms to do promotions of your website.Some of which are :
  1. Social Media ads: Ads are the most exhilarating media to promote one’s website and content. Facebook ads are a good source.
  2. PPC ads: Try inculcating some pay-per-click ads to your website to make it more reachable and popular. Occasionally update and republish old content after a reasonable amount of time has passed to boost Google Search ranking.

5. Hire writers:

Try to convince writers and bloggers to write for your website to gain good outreach. We need their influence in our blog to make it more centric. If not, influencers then ask people to write and promote. We also have options for freelancers. You can check their writings and ask or convince them to write for you. Hire journalism people who are good with facts and figures. Always work according to the strategic plans and needs, and this will surely make you a good blogger with a fair amount of reach on your page. It also helps is E-commerce development.


E-commerce website marketing is an underrated way to drive traffic to your page organically. All you need to do is to work on a hardcore strategy and field. Try building a blog, and you will indeed be fascinated by the results of the steps.

I am enthusiastic blogger & SEO expert. I am digitally savvy and love to learn new things about the world of digital technology. I loves challenges come in my way. I also prefer to share useful information such as SEO, Google Algorithm Update, SMM, PPC, WordPress, Web Hosting, Affiliate Marketing etc.

1 Comment

  • Nabi March 8, 2021

    Great content brings great result if you can attach the readers regularly with your content. My observation make me realizes it needs proper marketing to your content to the target audience. The article here rightly points out all needful information to start a blog and how to make it popular. Thanks

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