
The Necessity Of Water Purifiers And Annual Maintenance Contracts

Necessity Of Water Purifiers

Water is one of the most vital elements required to sustain human life on earth. It is one of the integral parts of human lives. Water is something that has given the potential to our mother earth to assist the living beings on the entire planet. The presence of water is necessary for all types of industries and household activities. The Earth is covered with 75% of water, but unfortunately, with the modern era taking up a high rise, the water shortage and water pollution issues are becoming a primary concern. Even after water being present with the human in such abundance, still, various countries are facing acute shortage of water. And the countries which have water in plenty are facing the problem of water pollution. For the present-day lifestyle, it is essential to get a water purifier fitted in the house. The direct water which comes to your place through municipal supply, even after the proper treatment; includes various kinds of impurities. These impurities once get transmitted in your body can cause many harmful diseases. The best want to deal; with all such impurities is by getting a water purifier fitted at your place. While choosing a water purifier, you should always pay attention to the AMC for aquaguard.

Water purifier and their maintenance

The trend of getting RO water purifier fitted in the houses in gaining a high rise because of the bad quality of tap water. The present-day water purifiers mainly work on two primary methodologies, the RO and the UV technology. In RO stands for reverse osmosis, in this process, the salts which get mixed in the water are separated with the help of semi-permeable membrane, UV stands for ultra-violet rays which aim at killing all the bacteria present in the water. There are several companies in the market which manufactures RO+UV water purifiers, but one thing should always be kept in mind before buying any water purifier; still, get a purifier which comes with annual maintenance contract (AMC). Every machine needs timely repair and servicing, so it is better to opt for a company which provides you AMC services for your water purifier.

What is the need of aquaguard ro AMC?

It is very much necessary for you to buy a water purifier from a company which comes with a contract of annual maintenance. AMC is required to have a timely check whether the product you purchased is working in its best condition or not, and it also aims at fulfilling your aspirations from your product. Hence it is always recommended to buy a purifier which comes with the AMC contract.

There are various reasons which will assure you that buying a purifier with AMC is 100 times better, let’s have a look:

  • Timely servicing of the water purifier will ensure you that you are drinking healthy water
  • If you have the annual maintenance contract, then you are on the advantage of using various other services of the company such as the installation of the water purifier.
  • More years will get added to the life of your water purifier
  • The contract aims at getting your purifier periodically cleaned with the assistance of well-trained professionals
  • Timely maintenance will enhance the working of the purifier
  • The professional who comes for the appropriate checkup of your aquaguard pays particular emphasis on the vital parts of the purifier, especially the filters, membranes, and electrical components.

AMC charges

Every company has set different AMC charges; the AMC charges for Aquaguard are different as compared to other companies. You can get to know about the full costs of different AMC of various companies by visiting their nearby office in your town.

In general, the charges for RO water purifier are considered to be RS 1000 per year apart from this cost if the cost of the spares parts are included then the sum reaches to a rough estimate of RS 6000 per year.

Mostly in the entire contract, it is stated that there are three visits in a year by the technicians. The company’s norms specify the visits paid by the technicians; you can also call the technicians maximum twice a year in case of an emergency related to your aquaguard. You will never regret even a penny which you invested in aquaguard AMC charges.

To drink healthy, you should always consider signing the annual maintenance contract of your water purifier. Well, the companies never miss the chance to get into the good books of the customer, but if in case of some odd circumstances the technicians skip a visit of your place then be vigilant enough regarding the cleaning of your water purifier. You should always have the idea regarding the parts your water purifier consists of; it will help you in dealing with the little problems you purifier may face at an odd time.

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