Having a credit card helps a lot when you are running short on cash, it can get you out of a lot of situations. But getting the best balance transfer credit cards with no transfer fee is the real challenge. This will allow you to transfer money to others or to your bank for instant cash.
Introducing the best out of all of them, vCard. vCard is a zero percent credit card transfer virtual card, that allows you to transfer without the need for a physical card. All you need is UPI and their app on your phone and you’ll have all the features that a physical card provide and much more.
Let’s have a look at the process to get vCard:
How Can You Apply?
It’s pretty simple, all you have to do is get the vCard app from the play store if you are using Android and download from App Store if you are on IOS. enter the details that are mandatory in the app and after a short amount of time, you’ll be contacted by their team who’ll inform you if you are eligible or not and the credit limit you’ll get. Then you’ll be required to provide them with your KYC details and access to DigiLocker.
What Are The Things You Need To Share?
Here are the things vCard will ask you to share:
- The type of employment you have
- What is the name of your employer
- How much do you earn monthly and what are your expenses per month which should include any other EMI that you are paying
- You also have to mention with whom you live with at the moment and the people that are living with you.
Can Your Credit Limit Be Upgraded?
It can be upgraded but the bank cannot do it on their own, they’ll need your consent for the approval as well.
How Long Will It Take To Fill The Form For Application?
It actually depends on you, as you’ll be the one who is going to submit all the details in the application. If you can type relatively fast then it’ll be done within five minutes.
Approvals On Holidays Or After Hours?
Approvals can be done on any day of the week and regardless of the bank times, but keep in mind if you haven’t had your KYC yet then it won’t be done on holidays. If your information is on the point then there is no chance of getting rejected but in the case of discrepancies your application might get rejected, but the good thing is that you won’t be charged.
Outstanding Amount
There are three ways to pay all your outstanding balance:
- Pay via a check directly.
- You can also use online banking to pay to the bank.
- You can use the vCard app to pay the balance as well.
If you want to pay for this outstanding balance by using the auto-debit method then you can go to the website of the bank that you have for payment and apply for the feature from there.
How To Increase Credit Limit?
If you have paid every bill and outstanding balance in time than you can rest assured that your credit limit will keep increasing. But keep in mind that if you have any other loans then your credit limit might not increase. Another factor in not getting approved can be getting your income decreased, which can affect your expenses as well. So keep these two things in check.
How to Check If Application Is Approved?
Unlike old days where you had to wait a lot of days in order to get approved, with vCard, your approval will be within the same day, so you can start enjoying the facility you have.