
When to Call an Emergency Electrician

Emergency Electrician

According to the Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFI), thousands of people in the U.S. are being treated in the emergency room each year due to injuries caused by electrical fire and electrocution in their homes. These electrical accidents usually happen as a result of do-it-yourself projects.

If you are experiencing electrical malfunctions in your home, do not attempt to troubleshoot the problem on your own. Ask for the help of a licensed electrician in your local area. Here are some situations when you need to call for an emergency service electrical wollongong:

Power outage

A power outage usually occurs during a storm. Thus, when the light goes out in your home during normal weather, that should be cause for alarm. Go outside to see if your neighbors are also having a power outage. If not, call your trusted local electrician right away to find out the problem in your electrical system.

Sparking outlets

If you notice your outlets sparking for more than a second before they fizzle out, that is a sign to call the pros. A small spark is normal, while lengthy sparks could indicate a big electrical problem in your home.

Burning smell coming from your electrical equipment

Burning smells coming from your electrical appliances or equipment can be followed by an electrical fire. Be quick to cut the power to the affected area and call for an emergency electrical repair.

Flickering or dimming lights

Flickering or dimming lights are not only annoying but also cause damage to your entire electrical system. It may require a fixture replacement to solve the problem or more intensive work, such as rewiring.

Call a licensed San Diego electrician

Think twice before tackling DIY electrical installations or repairs in your home. To get the best and safest results, hire the service of a licensed and experienced electrical company in San Diego. There are many reputable contractors you can partner with in the area today. Get in touch with the pros now!

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